How to boost research activity?

 In Articles

Majority of the researchers will agree that research is mostly driven by Curiosity: Curiosity to find something new, to develop something new.  And for this, researchers often look for hints that can inspire their thought process.

What is food for thought for researchers? Conferences, Research Papers, Patents!

We know that researchers normally attend a lot of conferences or read a lot to feed their curiosity, and mostly they tantalize their idea buds using whatever interesting medium they come across.

This, though is effective, but is also a very time-consuming process which makes one ponder– Is there something that can improve the process of innovation and creativity while easing up the job of a researcher?

Turns out, there is a solution. But before I divulge it, I have a few questions. Your answers will help you better relate to the solution that I am about to describe.

Don’t worry! You need not write anything to me. Just answer it to yourself after reading the question.


Let’s start.

Question 1:  Do you spend a lot of time reading stuff related to your work area?

If yes, we both have similar thoughts as it is very much required in research.

Question 2: Do you have some easy way quickly get the crux of a long technical document in one or two paragraphs that can save you time in filtering the right reading material and can help you reach the information that you desired for without spending much time and effort?

If yes, I would like to hear about it. If not, well, the remaining questions will be more meaningful to you.

Question 3: Do you have some way to analyze the technical material that you have referred to or analyzed over the time?

I am asking this because many a times analysis of the information can reveal some hidden insights that can speed up the research work. For example – some easy way to compare the battery capacity ratings discussed in the various technical literature and how it has been achieved?

Question 4: Do you have some way to keep a close eye on your competitor’s research work?

Question 5: Do you have some way to get an alert on the latest developments in your area of interest?

I am not talking about news alerts but the literature on the technical problem that you have been researching or technology parameters that you have been trying to improve like safety issue in a lithium-ion battery.

If these questions resonate with you, then the solution I am about to share is going to make your life a lot easier.

Presenting NorthStar – The Ultimate Solution to A Researcher’s Problems

NorthStar is aimed to be the guiding star of your research boat that can take you to your destination by circumventing the pain points of questions above.

It offers curated technical knowledge negating chances of you reading detailed reports for hours to identify useful information. North Star discusses directly the crux/solution discussed in a technical literature. Let me give you an example:

If a researcher is working on an issue, let’s say – improving the energy density of a battery, and have been reading technical literature on a daily basis for a long time, this is how NorthStar can save him a lot of time by providing curated information:

The crux of the problem will be shared as shown in the image above below which the crux of the solution will be shared for quick reference. If it appears to be meaningful for detailed reading, a user can click on it to read the complete information.

How this saves time?

Given that information is increasing on the internet with every passing second, it is becoming difficult to consume desired information without spending much time. This makes your researchers spend more time in the collection of information than its analysis which further leads to millions in wasted hours – $2888000 per year for a team of 500 researchers.

On the other hand, if your team members have an access to NorthStar, they need not search for the relevant information as it has already been curated as per their requirement. Time will not be spent in the filtering of useful information from the ever-increasing pool of information.

As a result, your R&D team will spend more time in analysis of information that its collection. This doesn’t only lead to increases in productivity but also increases the rate at which products get launched, an addition of new features. The exhibit below explains this beautifully:


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