Material & Supplier Scouting

for a Consumer Goods Company

Our role

We helped the client in identifying sustainable and eco-friendly raw materials used in female hygiene products along with a potential list of suppliers to match their production capacity.

What we did?

  1. An in-depth study was performed to understand the current needs and solutions available in the market with a special focus on patents, technology, raw materials to help the client get answer to his questions.
  2. Identified raw materials (such as banana fiber and bamboo fiber) were compared for clients business and suppliers were compared for providing the desired raw materials on parameters like scalability and capacity.
  3. Based on the results of our study, the client was able to save on the in-house R&D budget and time as the study yielded commercially viable alternatives requiring limited R&D efforts to port in the client’s business. Also, the client is in advanced level discussions to source the newly identified raw materials from some of the identified suppliers and is also evaluating the options to maintain production speed with new raw materials. Form discussion with client it is anticipated that the client saved a good amount in his R&D budget. Also, it is anticipated that the client have further savings in the production phase where the identified processes will help the client optimize the production.


  • How can we reduce the environmental hazards posed by tons of waste produced by existing products?
  • What organic alternative raw materials are available? Are they sustainable?
  • Feasibility signals and impact indications of new raw materials on business – production rate, costs, changes in assembly line etc.

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